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Around Victor Harbor great views of the rugged granite landmark The Bluff, Granite Island and other minor Islands can be seen. The Hindmarsh River Estuary and Inman River rivers provide great wetland and river exploration. Encounter Bay is great for sports, views, swimming and fishing. This part of Fleurieu Peninsula has an amazing number of things to see and do.
To get assistance with access for your business dealings, convention, tour & group bookings, weekend get away packages or get information for a life changing investment in Victor Harbor, explore the Victor Harbor Visitor Information Centre or the Victor Harbor Council Website or email or phone the Victor Harbor Visitor Information Centre from information provided within our directory listing.
Victor Harbor locality lists is the online business directory for Victor Harbor region business, it includes an Victor Harbor South Australia locality listing. Victor Harbor region businesses are searchable by product, category and locality.
Be sure to explore the opportunities this business directory delivers and benefit from the ease of access to Victor Harbor businesses in order to accommodate your everyday and not so everyday activities. You can search for Victor Harbor businesses using keywords or the Victor Harbor business name and below you can choose from the alphabetical list or view entire list of local Victor Harbor business.
Entry into the business directories is free for businesses based in Victor Harbor, South Australia.
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Original Banner Images Copyright Steveheap | Andrey Moisseyev | Fritz Hiersche
The Victor Harbor Council region is the seaside resort township of Victor Harbor 80km south of Adelaide, South Australia. It is a favoured holiday destination with spectacular coastal scenery and beaches with world class attractions. It is well known for the Clydesdale Horsetram, Fairy Penguins and vists from Southern Right whales. There are strong connections to European and Indigenous history. With a permanent population of around 12,000, it is a growing city in its own right. The natural beauty of the region, its seaside location, beautiful countryside and rolling hills make the Victor Harbor region a great place to visit or live in.